
by Vera Caspary and George Sklar
Directed by Joanne Helms
Saturday April 5 at 10:00 a.m.
Sunday April 6 at 6:00 p.m.
Play Runs May 30 thru June 15, 2025
5 Men, 3 Women
Waldo Lydecker
- Age: late 40
- Older mentor and possessive friend of Laura
- Dresses with exaggerated attention to detail
- Inclined to indulge his emotions
- Makes theatrical gestures at every opportunity
- Shows great gusto for everything he enjoys and greater scorn for everything his meticulous taste rejects
Audition pieces: #1, 2, 4, 5
Mark McPherson
- Age: 30s
- Detective
- Smokes
- Shrewd
- Guarded
- Dry sense of humor
- Masculine
- Slight limp
Audition pieces #1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Shelby Carpenter
- Age: 30s
- Laura’s fiancé
- Well bred
- Slight Southern accent
- Manners easy and gracious
- Sincere yet somehow bewildered
Audition pieces #2, 5, 6
Danny Dorgan
- Age: late teens
- Neighbor who has a crush on Laura and loves jazz
- “Carelessly dressed”
- New Yorker with a rough, almost crude manner but sensitive underneath
Audition pieces #1, 4, 7
- Plain clothes policeman
- 4 lines… total of 13 words
Laura Hunt
- Age: 30s
- Career woman
- Has a bevy of men in love with her
- Self confident but can be vulnerable
Audition pieces #2-7
Bessie Clarey
- Age: 40s
- Laura’s maid
- New York Irish
- Independent
- Plain-spoken
Audition pieces #2, 4, 7
Mrs. Dorgan
- Age: 40s-60s
- Danny’s mother
- Doesn’t like Laura
- “She is a faded woman of forty-five with a touch of eccentricity in her dress. She wears an air of long-enduring martyrdom. Under her sweet, refined, controlled tones is a suggestion of suppressed hysteria.
Audition piece #5